clarinettist | composer

Upcoming disk releases:

Bacewicz Symphonies 3 & 4 - BBC Symphony Orchestra - Chandos Records

Howells Clarinet Sonata - Brien-Hao Duo - Bao Productions

Tone Poem No.1 and One (Raymond Brien) - Farrenc Trio - Timepiece Studios

Phases, Phrases (Raymond Brien) - Clarinet, Dancer, Electronics - Company Concentric and F2.3 studios, supported by Sound and Music

You (Raymond Brien) - Apply Triangle

Farrenc Trio

Raymond is co-founder of Farrenc Trio (cl, pf, vcl) based in the UK and Germany with pianist Joe Howson and cellist Wallis Power.

Farrenc Trio is passionate about bringing underrepresented composers’ works alongside established repertoire to international audiences.

For bookings, email here.




Marc Yeats: ‘Each Changing A’, ‘The Shape Distance [1]’ - Polytempo records

John Cage - Number Pieces, Apartment House - another timebre

Noah Max - Songs of Loneliness - Toccata Classics